How The CMS Collection Works

The template has one CMS collection to help you easily publish all your articles. You can access and edit it using the CMS button in the top-left corner.

The collection has ten different fields. Let's quickly go over each one of them:

  • Title

    → The title serves two different functions. It’s used both as the heading of the page and as the page title (the one that gets displayed in search results)

  • Slug

    → The slug is basically the part of the URL that identifies the page. If it is set to "article-name", the URL will be:

  • Featured Toggle

    → The featured toggle determines which articles end up on the first page and which don’t. Those that are set to “yes” will be featured on the homepage, and those set to “no” will only be accessible on the “blog” page. (both featured and non-featured will be found by the search feature)

  • Date

    →The date on which you published the article

  • Image

    → The image displayed on the article card and at the top of the article page.

  • Time To Read

    → How long it takes to read the content, in minutes. You can estimate this number using free online tools like

  • Category

    → The category indicates the parent topic of the article. I’ve made it a choice between some options to ensure consistency throughout the website. (you can change the current options)

  • Meta Description

    → The meta description is the text displayed under that page title on search engines.

  • Social Image

    → The image shown on social media when somebody shares the article. While you can use anything as the social image, I recommend you take a screenshot of the page and use that.

  • Content

    → The content is where you’ll write your article.

Meta Data

Every page has a unique title, meta description, and social image.

These data must be set manually for the static pages. To do that, go to Settings > Page Settings > Page You Want To Edit.

For CMS-generated pages, these data are pulled from the CMS fields, as explained in the sections above.

I really advise you to take some time to write custom meta data for each page. Here are some best practices you can follow:

  • Keep the title tag shorter than 60 characters.

  • Keep the meta description shorter than 160 characters.

  • Keep the slug user-friendly and readable.

  • Place your primary keyword in the title tag (SEO).

  • Place your primary keyword in the URL (SEO).

  • If possible, place the keyword at the start of the title tag rather than at the end (SEO).

  • Keep the title tag and H1 of the page equal (SEO).

Going Live

Once you've edited all the pages in the template and you're ready to go live, here's the steps you need to take:

  1. Delete this and any other unnecessary page.

  2. Delete all the explanations left on the pages.

  3. Upgrade to a Basic Plan. (unless you need more traffic or more features - in that case, you can use the promo code "partner25proyearly" to get 3 months off on the PRO annual subscription.

  4. Buy and connect a custom domain.

  5. Hit Publish.

And voilà! Your website is now live!